Andrew Miller and DigitalRVA attendees in open discussion.

Thank you for coming to Wednesday’s DigitalRVA meetup! Special thank you to Kyle Kuklinski for opening up the CarMax Midtown office to us – it was a great space and we had a great turnout!

If you missed it, yesterday I presented on the ever-evolving search engine results page (SERP) and how as digital marketers we can set ourselves apart from all of the AI-generated content and leverage new tools to upgrade our existing workflows.

A key takeaway?

If you haven’t yet, experiment with ChatGPT and the various plugins, API integrations, and the new code interpreter function. Force yourself out of your comfort zone because AI isn’t going anywhere, so we might as well embrace the change and position ourselves for success, not obsolescence.

If you’d like, you can check out the slides here.

A quick sales plug – don’t forget that tickets are now on sale for our first-ever full-day DigitalRVA conference in September! At the conference, you’ll hear from industry leaders at organizations like CarMax, The Martin Agency, and Meta, sharing their cutting-edge tactics and strategies in areas from AI and automation to marketing technology and analytics. Early bird pricing is $124 ($99 for rvatech/ members), so snag them now while you can. Prices will increase on August 5.

We’ll be back with another meetup in October, until then – you can always chat through our Slack channel. You can join here.

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